
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Summer Blogging

Now that school's got out, I have *nothing* to do. Summer Diaries is kind of a way to see what I do and don't do over the summer, and mostly I do nothing. Well, I get some halfway decent pictures of myself to add to the diaries. Here are the pictures I have so far that have been put in my journal.

May 24th, after cleaning my room

May 25th, reading the Night Circus

May 26th, being a tourist in Old Town

May 27th, drinking a glass of water

May 28th, texting on my crummy phone

May 29th, after a Taco Bell run

So yeah. Nothing to do; you can see my life is quite eventful. Actually, I've done two things on my bucket list now, "eat a Doritos Locos Taco" and "sit outside on a clear moonlit night", which actually turned into "taking a midnight stroll", where I actually was found by my dad. Not fun. He wasn't mad, but it kind of ruined the whole thing.