
Monday, July 30, 2012

Pic a Day

Yes, yes, okay, I posted again. I do feel sad about those boys, but what can you do now that the damage is already done? I came up with a sort of prayer after that: whenever I hear or see an airplane,  I close my eyes, tap all four fingers to my head sequentially, say "may the sky hold you up" to myself, touch my thumb to my four fingers and look up to the sky. My brother's pretty bent on not going on small planes, as am I, but I'll have to go on airline planes sometime in the near future, so I'll just say my little prayer and be on my way.

Anyway. Pic a day now, from this week. Ending on a Sunday again, I mean, jeez. I've always been a believer of weeks beginning on Sunday, not ending on them.

Mon. July 23, NM's personal Katrina
Tues. July 24, typewriter love
Wed. July 25, stealth
Thurs. July 26, music frustrations
Fri. July 27, the picture of happy
Sat. July 28, leaving the grocery store
Sun. July 29, matching pink shirts

Friday, July 27, 2012

Upsetting News

Today I heard two boys in my grade died in a plane crash. I wasn't particularly close to them, in fact I had disliked one of them, but hearing that they died changed everything. I thought of the fact that they would never walk the halls of our school again, and I'd never see them amidst the popular group or being obnoxious in any of my classes. When I sat on the thought that the light had just been taken from their lives, I felt a strange, hollowing feeling and my sweat turned cold. Was it painful for them? Was there heat and speed and fire? What were their last thoughts? Their last words? The father of the boy I didn't like had been flying the plane, and had died, too. Only his mom and little sister remain. I can't imagine and would hate to feel what she must be feeling. No words are able to describe.

My entire perspective on life has changed. A little while after hearing the news, I decided that it is pointless to dislike certain people. The boy I dislike most now, who also happens to be the most popular in the grade? I wouldn't rejoice at his death. I think of it now, and I would not rejoice over anyone's death. I may have threatened it countless times in the past, but wishing death upon anyone is the worst, most cruel, most horrible thing to do, the worst thoughts to think. Nobody deserves to die, to have their life snatched from them. You may not agree with them, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to live a life and follow childhood dreams.

Next year, I will be changed. I hope that everyone will be changed, even if just a little. I will not dismiss anyone I know as "hated", and instead write a list of positive things I notice and admire in them. If someone is shy, as the other boy was, maybe if they're in one of my classes I will choose them as a partner for a project or wave to them in the hall when we pass. Nobody deserves to be hated, and nobody deserves to die. While it is inevitable and we all must reach that finish line, each at our own pace, no one deserves such pain in passing, such suddenness and panic and fear.

Recently I decided I am not allowed to use the word "hate". Not only is it strong and tossed around too frivolously, it is one of the worst words that exists. Worse than curse words. It destroys people's images in a single breath and dismisses their chances at a connection. Nobody should have that word in their association. Next year when I walk into school, I will not laugh to my friends about how much I hate this classmate or that teacher, because you never know if one day you will wake up and go through your daily routine and at the end of the day when you're settling down to watch your favorite TV show you will suddenly hear that they died.

I don't know if there will be any blog posts after this. Hearing this is slowly impacting me and going around broadcasting my day-to-day life is hideously unfair and selfish.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Cooking's Fun Until...

-you don't have all the ingredients you need
-your parents think you're amateur for measuring everything out
-you get citrus in a paper cut
-you burn/cut yourself
-you realize how many dishes and utensils you're dirtying up(and will have to clean)
- you keep dropping vegetables on the floor or in the sink
-you get criticized(all in the name of help)
-you have to clean up after the meal
-your favorite food is spoiled, as well as its association with your favorite movie

Duct-Tape Hats

Patch and Jelelah - baseball hats
Today, my brother and I made duct-tape hats for our stuffed animals. No joke. We were going to make all baseball hats, but I started making other kinds. And besides, they're cute.
Pongo and Boomer - sailor hats
Patch and Beau - sunhats
Curly and Lucky - baseball hats(w/ those flaps in the back)
BoBo and Jelelah - more baseball hats
BoBo - "Uncle Sam" top hat
Lucky - Robin Hood-ish hat
Beau - spunky sideways ball cap
Jelelah and Curly - crowns

Sunday, July 22, 2012


It seems our(my brother's and my) creativity is just blossoming all around the same period of time. Except, I have this grand idea and realize that I'm horrible with technology and inventions and it totally (pardon my English) craps out. My brother drew out his idea in this book and then actually made it today. He's pretty proud of it. I am, too. It's cool and it works and we both like it.

My invention: The Bike Cam
The Bike Cam is nothing more than a bunch of cardboard scraps fitted to my digital camera with a hole cut in it so the lens can poke out and film where I go on my bike rides.

My brother's invention: The Refill
The Refill is a cup with holes in the bottom fitted inside another cup that will allow it to "refill" itself. How it works: You pour your desired drink inside the cup, only filling it to the chopstick. You then drink through the straw until the top cup is empty. Then, removing the chopstick, you slowly push the top cup down into the bottom cup. This pressure pushes the remaining liquid up into the top cup and you can finish the drink.

This Week - A Pic a Day

Sort of a photo-a-day thing that I got from another blog...
Anyway. I don't like ending the week with a Sunday but that's how things turned out.
Mon. July 16, cuddle-buddies Sunny and Chaucer
Tues. July 17, the Bike Cam
Wed. July 18, real rain
Thurs. July 19, trying to sleep
Fri. July 20, the identical-fraternal twins
Sat. July 21, no drinks in the library unless you bought
them from the vending machine(inside the library)

Sun. July 22, wondering what you're looking at

Monday, July 16, 2012

Today is Summer

The past few days have just epitomized summer. I mean what else is summer if not playing in the rain, eating fresh fruit, watching movies, lazing in hammocks, reading good books and enjoying the occasional amazing breeze?


Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Gang

These are the little Buschmans. I've been inspired to post about them because they started out on their 2012 summer road trip a week ago and have had some crazy adventures and bonding with each other.

Jelelah is one crazy cat. She's seventeen in Animal World and a complete tomboy, participating in nearly every sport imaginable. And on boys' teams! She knows karate and isn't afraid to use it on you. She has six little brothers but they're all like friends to her. She tries dangerous things, even when she knows the consequences. She has two boys fighting over her back at home, but now that she's at college, she can be with her real boyfriend, Spot.

Patch is my sweet little baby horse. In Animal World, he's fifteen, and by AW standards, old enough to drive and have a car - he loves his Scion xB. He is both content to screw around with his closest brother in age, Lucky, and go wherever his sister Jelelah goes. He's had his heart broken by Layla the collie and Stephanie the sheep, but this does not stop him from doing what he wants to do. He is the best cuddler in the world, but don't let this fool you - he has those hooves for a reason.

Lucky(right) and Curly are the first set of Buschman twins. Thirteen in the Animal World, they just recently got their licenses to drive and were given Patch's old Toyota Prius. Much like their looks, these two are like day and night. Lucky is loud and outspoken, whereas Curly is shy and timid. Lucky is popular, but Curly gets made fun of. In the Buschman band "The Green Falcons", Lucky is the singer and Curly is the drummer. Lucky gets drooled on by girls and is being stalked by his ex Bianca; Curly is lucky enough to have found sweet little kangaroo Kanga to be his girlfriend.

Pongo(left) and Boomer share in behavior and personality what they do not necessarily share in looks. These twelve-year-old fraternal twins are both shy, polite and kind. Pongo is the quieter of the two, but when they have something to say, Boomer will always say it in a soft and thoughtful voice. Pongo is on his school swim team, but surprisingly enough, Boomer plays on the local football team. In their family band, Pongo plays the piano/keyboard and Boomer plays the cymbals. They travel together as an inseparable duo and mostly communicate with glances and ear flicks.

BoBo(right) and Beau are, strangely, identical while being opposite genders. BoBo(real name: Robart), eleven, often gets made fun of because of the nickname he goes by, but he's funny and a good sport and is generally affable and nice to everyone around him. His sister, the youngest of the family coming a few minutes after her twin brother, is self-absorbed and mostly interested in fashion and her closer girl friends.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Annapurna's World Vegetarian Cafe

Annapurna's World Vegetarian Cafe: Trying TRUE vegetarian cuisine! Or so it seems...
On the corner of Silver Avenue and Yale Boulevard in downtown ABQ.

On my menu for today:
Authentic Chai(cold)
Lebanese Wrap
Masala Fries