
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Pic a Day - 8/19 to 8/25

Mon. Aug 19, Grecian goddess dress
OTTILT: reliving the old times with friends
Tues. Aug 20, "An Unspoken Moment" (favorite song of the moment)
OTTILT: second impressions of people
Wed. Aug 21, advice for life
OTTILT: drawing bar graphs
Thurs. Aug 22
OTTILT: the Island
Fri. Aug 23, Yahoo Answers solves (many) problems
OTTILT: exercise bikes
Sat. Aug 24, history homework (my weekends)
OTTILT: the backyard wilderness
Sun. Aug 25
OTTILT: Disney movie marathons

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Pic a Day - 8/12 to 8/18

Mon. Aug 12, I also microwave food
OTTILT: random, hilarious movies
Tues. Aug 13
OTTILT: playing with stuffed animals
Wed. Aug 14
OTTILT: Christopher Eccleston as Ben Jago
Thurs. Aug 15, first day of school
OTTILT: overcoming nerves
Fri. Aug 16, he introduced one of his friends to our mom
OTTILT: second days of school
Sat. Aug 17, watching YouTube
OTTILT: CinemaSins
Sun. Aug 18, bro glasses while breaking beer bottles

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Pic a Day - 8/5 to 8/11

These photos may be subtitled with both my OTTILTs and a description, or just the OTTILT (as per this post on my other blog).

Mon. Aug 5, they let us drive a Mustang
OTTILT: priceless faces
Tues. Aug 6, the house on the hill (to the left)
OTTILT: good tofu dogs
Wed. Aug 7, my imitation of a crane
OTTILT: glimpses of the world
Thurs. Aug 8, I already do enough driving in the slow lane
OTTILT: castle houses
Fri. Aug 9
OTTILT: avocado-spinach paninis
Sat. Aug 10, trying on socks
OTTILT: "The Long and Winding Road"
Sun. Aug 11
OTTILT: traditional church

Friday, August 9, 2013

Single-Serving Vegan: Avocado-Spinach Panini

1/2 avocado, diced
anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 cup spinach
1/2 tomato, sliced
2 slices of ciabatta bread, or a sliced ciabatta roll
1 clove of garlic, minced (optional)
olive oil

Spray/brush bread with olive oil; layer avocado, tomato, spinach, and garlic on bread; if desired, spray with olive oil again. Heat olive oil in a skillet on medium heat; put sandwich in, weighing it down by placing another pan on top, either weighted with cans or applying pressure yourself (we used a cast iron skillet; those things are pretty heavy). Cook for 1-2 minutes. Flip; cook for another 1-2 minutes on low to no heat. Serve.

I'll tell you - this is darn good for a vegan sandwich.

This is adapted from a Vegetarian Times recipe, which you can check out here: 

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Pic a Day - 7/29 to 8/4

Mon. July 29, sweater and an eyepatch
Tues. July 30, finding open lots to drive in
Wed. July 31, BUSTED
Thurs. Aug 1, 99 years ago today the Endurance set sail
Fri. Aug 2, trying to capture the elusive lightning
Sat. Aug 3, the climate change rally-march
#SummerHeat #ActOnClimate
Sun. Aug 4, making myself breakfast