
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

OTTILT January

2017's off to a pretty good start so far (taking a class on Bob Dylan could certainly have a lot to do with that :D)...

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Pic a Day - 1/23 to 1/29

Mon. Jan 23
Tues. Jan 24, crystalline trees
Wed. Jan 25, where do the trees end and the clouds begin
Thurs. Jan 26, hope stone
Fri. Jan 27, lunchtime window seat
Sat. Jan 28, bridge over the creek
Sun. Jan 29

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Pic a Day - 1/16 to 1/22

Mon. Jan 16, reviewing outside the classroom before a test
Tues. Jan 17, leaving Proctor
Wed. Jan 18, my feet on skis
Thurs. Jan 19, reawakening
Fri. Jan 20
Sat. Jan 21, foggy mountain views at the Breadloaf campus
Sun. Jan 22, shortcut through the alley to the grocery store

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Pic a Day - 1/9 to 1/15

Mon. Jan 9, waiting in JFK
Tues. Jan 10, back on campus
Wed. Jan 11, a kids' ski class
Thurs. Jan 12, chilling in the arts building after class to do homework
Fri. Jan 13, Mahaney Center for the Arts
Sat. Jan 14
Sun. Jan 15, who's that peeking out of my backpack?

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Pic a Day - 1/2 to 1/8

Mon. Jan 2, new year's writing inspiration
Tues. Jan 3, current favorite show
Wed. Jan 4, morning at the dentist
Thurs. Jan 5, I must have disillusioned myself that it's always sunny in NM
Fri. Jan 6, it takes exactly this much snow to make a snow day
Sat. Jan 7, Thai Vegan (of course)
Sun. Jan 8, presidents puzzle (mainly done by my mom)

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Pic a Day - 12/26/16 to 1/1/17

Mon. Dec 26, post-lunch date/reunion/meet-up
Tues. Dec 27, practicing a selection from the clarinetists' bible
Wed. Dec 28, first recipe out of my holiday-present cookbook
Thurs. Dec 29
Fri. Dec 30, backyard full of pallets
Sat. Dec 31, cider and Cap'n Crunch on New Year's Eve
Sun. Jan 1