
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Pic a Day - 2/20 to 2/26

Mon. Feb 20, mountain gazing
Tues. Feb 21, lobby/backstage hallway of Seeler theater
Wed. Feb 22, after my environmental science class
Thurs. Feb 23, thawed lake in front of Twilight
Fri. Feb 24, ASL stickers at the spring activities fair
Sat. Feb 25, slightly off-kilter
Sun. Feb 26, the ruins of Otter Creek

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Pic a Day - 2/13 to 2/19

Mon. Feb 13, first day of spring semester
Tues. Feb 14, chemtrail tracks across the snow
Wed. Feb 15, that's the way the cookie crumbles
Thurs. Feb 16, view out the window of my philosophy classroom
Fri. Feb 17
Sat. Feb 18, Lizzy and Deanna, post-ASL interpretation practice meeting
Sun. Feb 19

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Pic a Day - 2/6 to 2/12

Mon. Feb 6, chillin' on our first day of Feb break
Tues. Feb 7, walk to work
Wed. Feb 8
Thurs. Feb 9, self-designated music-playing day
Fri. Feb 10, first burst of sun and clear skies in a while
Sat. Feb 11, craft table art
Sun. Feb 12, kettle on the sill

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Pic a Day - 1/30 to 2/5

Mon. Jan 30, Patch helps me play and write some songs on the new uke
Tues. Jan 31, prepping for our silent dinner
Wed. Feb 1, waiting at ADK
Thurs. Feb 2, last light (Imbolc 2017)
Fri. Feb 3, some Bob Dylan spirit on the day of our last class
Sat. Feb 4
Sun. Feb 5, assigned to the discharge room today