
Sunday, April 29, 2018

Pic a Day - 4/23 to 4/29

Mon. Apr 23, doing-homework-under-a-tree weather

Tues. Apr 24, lots o' benches to vault over (which I did)

Wed. Apr 25

Thurs. Apr 26, alternative stop sign

Fri. Apr 27, quaint back alley (walking through town to a class trip site)

Sat. Apr 28, itty bitty desk lamb

Sun. Apr 29, morning rain on the daffodils

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Pic a Day - 4/16 to 4/22

Mon. Apr 16, section of a new mural in the student center

Tues. Apr 17, R.I.P.

Wed. Apr 18, spinal bike track

Thurs. Apr 19, okay, maybe I get why so many people study here...

Fri. Apr 20, poster presentations at the student symposium

Sat. Apr 21, after-work picnic

Sun. Apr 22, Isaac and Ethan at our Earth Day fair

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Pic a Day - 4/9 to 4/15

Mon. Apr 9, one of the ultimate questions of life

Tues. Apr 10, field trips, pt. I: forest sampling

Wed. Apr 11, when in doubt, a squirrel's always about

Thurs. Apr 12

Fri. Apr 13, field trips, pt. II: housing development

Sat. Apr 14, memories of the polygon...

Sun. Apr 15, someone wanted to smash out a laundry room window, I guess

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Pic a Day - 4/2 to 4/8

Mon. Apr 2, Vermont landing

Tues. Apr 3, robin song

Wed. Apr 4, out the window of my psych class

Thurs. Apr 5, perfect pinecones

Fri. Apr 6, Friday afternoon with the improv comedy crew

Sat. Apr 7, nothing says "I love you" quite like a shredded heart

Sun. Apr 8, when it becomes a prison (shall we call it Bi Hell?)

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Pic a Day - 3/26 to 4/1

Mon. Mar 26, Whole Foods brunch
Tues. Mar 27, songs to describe your life challenge
Wed. Mar 28, as ever, the moon
Thurs. Mar 29, coordinates map quiz (for fun)
Fri. Mar 30, out on the trails
Sat. Mar 31, when the pinkie lift doesn't work because the mug's too heavy
Sun. Apr 1, the ridge