
Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Winter Break 2018

Some pictures from winter break. Hope you enjoy!

December 19

no idea why this rock is strung up from the wire

definitely grassland

wind turbines on Tsoodzil (Mt. Taylor)

this was a surprise stumble-upon

abandoned Mustang in the mountains

very Life After People-esque

December 20
chilling with Ravi at the smoothie cafe (phone pic)

December 22
meeting a friend for a movie showing at The Guild (phone pic)

December 23
out in the Beyond...

... but not so far beyond [the reaches of suburbia]

the Council

fascinating (& somewhat festive) root wad

the texture of these roads

trying to find some explanation for how these ended up here

well, guess I should be building out here if this is where the materials are

mini dunes

up on the Three Witches hill

(looks like an eye and a beak)

Guía de las Perdidas, or, how I found my way when I was lost

fording one of many phantom-river canyons

Horseshoe Hill

HH, cont.

"close to home, far from ordinary"

December 25
Shopping Cart Slope

remnants of a camp

that out-of-focus dot roughly in the center is the shopping cart

a weird sort of throne

the sandy sea before the Council

Council panorama 1

Council panorama 2

the sandy sea, cont.

the Sangre de Cristo mountain range

why would anybody do this?

the wild desert is infinitely more entertaining than television, I agree

(the rest of the photos from here on are taken on my phone)

birthday boys with new instruments (made by my brother)

December 26
I thought this would be a good idea... until it wasn't

our Kwanzaa setup (2nd year celebrating)

happy day of Umoja!

December 27
walking with Dad through the slushy streets of Santa Fe

inside the capitol building

views, I

ooh, so fancy

views, II

ate lunch at this place, which serves African cuisine

December 28
the symbol of Ujima

a hilariously terrible fake Kwanzaa greeting card I made on PicsArt

December 29
perfect time to put these stamps to use

light and (ice and) shadow

December 30
a tiny snowman my brother made for my mom (yes, we did actually get snow)

And here's a bonus selfie from today! Happy new year, and the best to everyone in 2019!