
Sunday, September 17, 2023

The Art of Interpretation

August 2

August 3

August 6
Wild Goose State Trail

August 9
chainsaw training challenge

August 12

a plant seance-sorium in Witwen

August 13
trying astrophotography during the Perseid meteor shower

August 16
UW-Madison Arboretum

August 17

Shack scraping

August 19
Al Ringling Theater

August 21
Pine Island

August 27
Circus World

August 28
the 400 State Trail, cont.

August 29
Devil's Lake State Park

August 30
Man Mound

marking the feet that were destroyed

International Crane Foundation

wattled crane

Eurasian crane

hooded crane

red-crowned crane


black-necked crane

whooping cranes

sarus crane

blue crane

black-crowned crane

demoiselle crane

grey crowned crane

art installation

August 31
in downtown Baraboo