Thursday, January 20, 2011


Hey everybody how's a goin'. Well, not really talking to you. I found this blog today a few minutes ago, and now I can talk to myself - through the good ol' internet. Except, people can see it. That's what sucks about it. I'm a person that likes to keep things to myself a lot, ya know, but this is like huge for me, blogging and crap. Haha, I almost wrote "blooging." That would've been funny. I watched a geo bee today. My friend didn't make it just because she got one wrong. I know, sad. But that's life. Life is sad. Life sucks and then you die, that's a good one. I truly believe in that. I mean, friends suck, too, don't they? They're never there when you need them to be, are always there when you absolutely want them to DIE, and don't understand you at ALL! That's why I hate them. They don't seem to understand that I want to tell them things, ya know, but instead I have to break myself away from them and talk to myself. In public. That's kind of what I'm doing now... Anyway, I mean, they are so STUPID!!! They treat you like dogs and step all over you and expect you to still be their "bestie" or whatever. I mean, that's just a load of bullcrap in my opinion. I've been manipulated so many times that I should know by now. Anyway, speaking of friends, I need to study for a P.E. test on tennis. Okay bye talk to you later. Or whenever. This weekend, yeah, that sounds good. Bye. :P

Flying Away

Here's a song I wrote, called "Flying Away".

Flying Away

I'm looking for the sun,
but it's gone away today.
I'm looking for someone,
but he's got a girl to play.
I'm feeling so alone,
so that's why I'm flying away.
Building my own spaceship
so I don't have to

I'm flying away, away from here,
someplace where I can think
and speak my mind, only to myself
because I'm the only one who listens.
I never knew how hard it would be
to be a simple human.
Nobody told us
how hard life would be
in the end

I'm looking for my home,
but I think lost the way.
I'm looking for a church
'cause I've got a need to pray.
I'm absolutely alone,
but that's why I'm flying away.
Getting into my space shuttle
and drifting

I'm flying away, away from here,
someplace where I can think
and speak my mind, only to myself
because I'm the only one who listens.
I never knew how hard it would be
to be a simple human.
Nobody told us how hard life would be
in the end.

I'm looking for the spring,
but I think it comes in May.
I'm looking for all hope,
but it's absolutely frayed.
I'm feeling so enclosed,
and that's why I'm flying away.
Steering my vehicle
through the misty

I'm flying away, away from here,
someplace where I can think
and speak my mind, only to myself
because I'm the only one who listens.
I never knew how hard it would be
to be a simple human.
Nobody told us how hard life would be
in the end, in the end...

In the end... The end is near...