
Welcome to my photo blog! I'm Maia, and I've been something of an avid amateur photographer since 2010 or so. (Though you'll notice some non-photo posts as well if you go that far back in the blog history...) Whether close to home or venturing far away on adventures, you'll usually find me snapping away with whatever camera-like device I have on hand. I currently shoot with a Canon Rebel and Google Pixel, but have previously used a Panasonic Lumix, Olympus OM-2, Fujifilm Finepix, and various LG smartphones to capture the places and things around me.

Here you'll find a lot of pictures of nature, landscapes, plants, animals, buildings/architecture, cities and urban spaces - and, I must admit, no shortage of selfies - but I will truly photograph anything and everything. The aim has always been to document and capture life experiences, with some artistic flair thrown in every now and again. Follow along if you'd like to see things through a new lens!

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