Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pic a Day - 10/22 to 10/28

Mon. Oct 22, "face of a nation"
Tues. Oct 23, castle project home
Wed. Oct 24, driving home
Thurs. Oct 25, striped sky
Fri. Oct 26, "floating green pumpkin"
Sat. Oct 27, bowling for community service
Sun. Oct 28, Garbanzo drives

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pic a Day - 10/15 to 10/21

Mon. Oct 15, Corrales drive
Tues. Oct 16, why teens dislike small children
Wed. Oct 17, pwning all of Boden's outfits
Thurs. Oct 18, PartyWorld
Fri. Oct 19, Fruit Ninja has gummies
Sat. Oct 20, it's Algernon!!(visit to Spirit Halloween)
Sun. Oct 21, Mom walks a 20K

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pic a Day - 10/8 to 10/14

Mon. Oct 8, wire ballerina
Tues. Oct 9, balloon fiesta
Wed. Oct 10, band concert
Thurs. Oct 11, Heritage Hills park
Fri. Oct 12, movie night
Sat. Oct 13, Patch and Charlie
Sun. Oct 14, past writer's block

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Strange Morning

Going to school, we found that there had been a bomb threat and so school would not start for two hours. We were carpooling, and had our carpool buddy, Kelly, with us. Our first stop was, of course, Whole Foods (and I can not count how many people from school I saw there). We could see the balloons from the parking lot and were having a fake tailgate party - just us four - and a news van pulls up. Would you believe the guy asked us for an interview, even though we knew nothing about the situation(and kept begging to not be on camera)?
Kelly asked if we could go to a park (I don't know why), and we went to a nice little place(actually larger than the park near our house), Heritage Hills.
After, we took a little stroll down the paved path and then came back to go to school.
Luckily, the scare turned out to be a hoax, but I'm not sure if the police are still investigating.
Anyway, it did give me a chance to reclaim some of my lost childhood. My brother and I raced around on that playground like nobody's business (and, sadly, I couldn't even figure out how to balance the tire swing).

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Pic a Day - 10/1 to 10/7

Mon. Oct 1, cheetah-print parchment
Tues. Oct 2, out behind the school yard
Wed. Oct 3, cowboy day
Thurs. Oct 4, through a red transparent ruler
Fri. Oct 5, tiny art
Sat. Oct 6, homecoming sky
Sun. Oct 7, Trakai Island Castle (out of clay)