Sunday, February 23, 2014

Pic a Day - 2/17 to 2/23

Mon. Feb 17, a bit of an overstatement (this is the movie about The Runaways)
OTTILT: an unreasonably merciful Hunger Games opponent
Tues. Feb 18
OTTILT: school "field trips" to Keva Juice
Wed. Feb 19
OTTILT: when a sub cares more about you than your actual teacher
Thurs. Feb 20
OTTILT: being artistic outside of art class
Fri. Feb 21, haven't had a mirror selfie in a while...
OTTILT: an unexpected reward for a good deed
Sat. Feb 22, rocking my new skin
OTTILT: a new look (for Minecraft)
Sun. Feb 23, musical rehearsal (I love the backdrop)
OTTILT: crawling through the maze in the pit

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Pic a Day - 2/10 to 2/16

Mon. Feb 10, just your average after-school Monday
OTTILT: hilariously adorable puppet shows
Tues. Feb 11, because you definitely needed an upside-down, black-and-white picture of trees
OTTILT: making that bold, interpretative statement
Wed. Feb 12, going to bed early
OTTILT: people flocking to anyone who has food
Thurs. Feb 13
OTTILT: coming up with dance moves in the shower
Fri. Feb 14, Mr. Figueroa snapped a selfie
 This picture definitely needs explaining. For those of you who go to school with me, this entire story will make perfect sense. So, I was in College Process and all of the teachers were there, and they were performing skits to show us how NOT to act when we go to college fairs. Well, Mr. Figueroa asked if somebody had a phone they could use as a prop, and I was the first one to dive into my backpack and hand them my Galaxy. (And, to be honest, everybody else was acting like they didn't have phones, so, I figured I'd be the model student for once.) While Ms. Thordahl was still setting up and explaining the scenario and asking and answering questions, Mr. Figueroa seemed to be flipping through things on my Galaxy. I was sitting there, skeptically watching, but I guess it's the dream of most teachers to see what items are on a student's phone. I was wondering if he was taking a picture, but didn't get the chance to check right after they performed the skit, which just included Mr. Figueroa acting like a bored kid "texting" (tapping at the screen of the device aimlessly) and Ms. White as his overbearing mother trying to get him interested in the college. When I checked my device later, I found out Mr. Figueroa had taken a selfie and set it as my lock-screen background picture. Weird, but hilarious. My OTTILT for the day was: when you lend someone your phone, and they take a selfie and set it as the background pic
Sat. Feb 15, those eyes
OTTILT: long, lonely, & quiet dirt roads
Sun. Feb 16, pirate selfie
OTTILT: (addictive) simulated reality games

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Pic a Day - 2/3 to 2/9

Mon. Feb 3
OTTILT: playing chess with your teacher
Tues. Feb 4
OTTILT: being late to class with a similarly lost/confused peer at your side
Wed. Feb 5
OTTILT: your teacher talking in an indistinguishable eastern-European accent to make everyone laugh
Thurs. Feb 6
OTTILT: beating six-month writer's block
Fri. Feb 7
OTTILT: seeing both sides of a story 
Sat. Feb 8, Shakey and me (taken by Sonal)
OTTILT: running in stride with a dog
Sun. Feb 9, our family congregates on Sunday mornings to listen to NPR's puzzle
OTTILT: playing Minecraft Hunger Games with a friend

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Pic a Day - 1/27 to 2/2

If you're new to reading this blog, then black-and-white February is likely also new to you. Basically, during the month of February, I take photos in black and white and/or edit them after taking them so they only show up in my collection in black and white. You can find some of last February's pictures on Instagram under #blackandwhitefebruary.

Mon. Jan 27, my home under the stairs, looking like a cozy cabin
OTTILT: pure-gold, sun-melting sunsets
Tues. Jan 28
OTTILT: twinsies Biden & Boehner (State of the Union address)
Wed. Jan 29, a classic book and a crocheted blanket
OTTILT: teachers helping you make a choice by giving advice and, above all, asking your opinion
Thurs. Jan 30, yep, it's a Thursday, so it's a sunset pic
OTTILT: seeing how others serve the community
Fri. Jan 31, a different angle of me climbing trees
OTTILT: friends imitating you
Sat. Feb 1, sleepy Caturday
OTTILT: Moonrise Kingdom
Sun. Feb 2, 'tis the season for polar bears on Coke cans
OTTILT: Brian Crain's album "Piano & Light"