Sunday, September 28, 2014

Pic a Day - 9/22 to 9/28

Mon. Sep 22, "Ceci n'est pas une pipe" in Russian
Tues. Sep 23, it's pajama day!
Wed. Sep 24, guitar strings
Thurs. Sep 25
Fri. Sep 26, my little Minecraft house
Sat. Sep 27, my Saturday-night Minecraft-playing niche
Sun. Sep 28, Kona is bae

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Pic a Day - 9/15 to 9/21

Mon. Sep 15, gotta study those sugars
Tues. Sep 16, a new study niche?
Wed. Sep 17, a semi rainy day
Thurs. Sep 18
Fri. Sep 19, if you can see the roadrunner in this pic
Sat. Sep 20, Louise the pig
Sun. Sep 21, when my parents are away, I get crazy and - no, I don't throw a party - I do the dishes! (wow, weirdo)

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Pic a Day - 9/8 to 9/14

Mon. Sep 8, I'll be your valet for the day
Tues. Sep 9, the fried rice went so fast there were no seconds
Wed. Sep 10, ant highway
Thurs. Sep 11, the gang hangin' out after school
Fri. Sep 12
Sat. Sep 13, Maria (left) and Molly, at the top of the Sandias
Sun. Sep 14, Missy Bella

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Pic a Day - 9/1 to 9/7

Mon. Sep 1, a male mantis
Tues. Sep 2, you guessed it... my new obsession
Wed. Sep 3, words of encouragement
Thurs. Sep 4, Big Brother + Game of Thrones = The Quest
Fri. Sep 5
Sat. Sep 6, in Kona's new pen, we practically underground
Sun. Sep 7, how this book can be so deep and yet so corny at the same time, I will always wonder