Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Pic a Day - 6/22 to 6/28

Mon. June 22, driving through NM
Tues. June 23, saw my fave in concert!
Wed. June 24, gas station stop in Cokeville, WY
Thurs. June 25, grandma's house (the cabin in the woods)
Fri. June 26
Sat. June 27, Rendezvous Mountain
Sun. June 28, WY = old America

Monday, June 22, 2015

Pic a Day - 6/15 to 6/21

Mon. June 15, riding my bike to work
Tues. June 16, Maria's late birthday present to me (Beatles donuts!)
Wed. June 17, a Tofurky sammich (with lettuce, tomato, and honey mustard)
Thurs. June 18, red or green (curry)? (#ThaiVeganThursday)
Fri. June 19, little birds hanging out on our porch
Sat. June 20, memorial to a local police officer
Sun. June 21, my dad and I built this table/shelf on Dad Day

Monday, June 15, 2015

Pic a Day - 6/8 to 6/14

Mon. June 8, listening to dark Ludiva when I'm home alone...
Tues. June 9, I venture outside
Wed. June 10, Wednesday trip to Walmart
Thurs. June 11, 3 summer hobbies (listening to music, reading, watching movies/TV)
Fri. June 12, when taken upside down, it reveals the character (his name is Oz)
Sat. June 13, after playing Minecraft with my bud
Sun. June 14, another popular reading spot

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Pic a Day - 6/1 to 6/7

Mon. June 1, busy at the gas station
Tues. June 2, my dad and I made our own green curry
Wed. June 3, kind of a strange book...
Thurs. June 4, InstaKettle is my life
Fri. June 5, my sleeping-til-noon routine
Sat. June 6, "only slept two hours so I've earned a mini frappucino" face
Sun. June 7, the calm before the storm that is work

Monday, June 1, 2015

Pic a Day - 5/25 to 5/31

Mon. May 25, lazy before work
Tues. May 26, **
Wed. May 27, watching care videos on YouTube
Thurs. May 28, resting in the shade
Fri. May 29, Betty says, "Play with me!"
Sat. May 30, Stanley
Sun. May 31, hypnotizing Minecraft bunnies with virtual carrots