Sunday, October 25, 2015

Pic a Day - 10/19 to 10/25

Mon. Oct 19, ascending the path
Tues. Oct 20, Nick's Bostonian lobster wearing an Ecuadorian sombrero playing a Seattle guitar
Wed. Oct 21, parking lights
Thurs Oct 22, double rainbow and sunshine
Fri. Oct 23, cue "photographer in bulky sweater" hipster stereotype
Sat. Oct 24, pumpkin carving contest at Maria's birthday party
Sun. Oct 25

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Pic a Day - 10/12 to 10/18

Mon. Oct 12, to-do lists on Oberlin post-its
Tues. Oct 13
Wed. Oct 14, so confused watching "The Brain" on PBS
Thurs. Oct 15, rewriting my college essay
Fri. Oct 16, morning blueberry smoothie/slushie
Sat. Oct 17
Sun. Oct 18, writing on a front-page news article for a scholarship essay

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Pic a Day - 10/5 to 10/11

Mon. Oct 5, one bloodshot eye
Tues. Oct 6, lockers pt. I (Maria's birthday invitations)
Wed. Oct 7, lockers pt. II (decorating Sonal's locker)
Thurs. Oct 8, riding the SkyLink at the DFW airport
Fri. Oct 9, the memorial arch in Tappan Square (at Oberlin)
Sat. Oct 10, the (in)famous womb chairs in the library (at Oberlin)
Sun. Oct 11, up close

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Pic a Day - 9/28 to 10/4

Mon. Sep 28, bring your alien to class
Tues. Sep 29
Wed. Sep 30, little blur

Thurs. Oct 1, graphing derivatives

Fri. Oct 2, vegan food looks so good but I suck at food alchemy...
Sat. Oct 3, homecoming football game

Sun. Oct 4, post-homecoming dance selfie