Monday, November 30, 2015

OTTILT November

NaNoWriMo, tiny houses, and my hamster:

Pic a Day - 11/23 to 11/29

Mon. Nov 23, Ravi was Michelangelo for medieval day
Tues. Nov 24
Wed. Nov 25, bundled up and sleeping
Thurs. Nov 26, drifting into a food coma as we speak...
Fri. Nov 27, sorry, am I interrupting you?
Sat. Nov 28, basically he now gets special food cooked by me
Sun. Nov 29

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Pic a Day - 11/16 to 11/22

Mon. Nov 16, they all thought we'd get a snow day... we didn't
Tues. Nov 17, gold and amber
Wed. Nov 18, physical therapy clinic
Thurs. Nov 19, the incredible flying pencil!
Fri. Nov 20, oh no, TACO necklace...
Sat. Nov 21, Saturday
Sun. Nov 22, time to write a four-page essay in one day

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Pic a Day - 11/9 to 11/15

Mon. Nov 9, (first?) pullover hoodie [selfie]
Tues. Nov 10
Wed. Nov 11, Stanley's tired of me talking about tiny houses
Thurs. Nov 12, trees in New Mexico stay green until mid-November, when they realize they should be dropping their leaves, so then fully green and chlorophyll-full leaves drop by the masses just before winter
Fri. Nov 13, script-brainstorming at Whole Foods
Sat. Nov 14, writing NaNo by hand on graph paper
Sun. Nov 15, rainy autumn weekend

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Pic a Day - 11/2 to 11/8

Mon. Nov 2, sunset
Tues. Nov 3, don't mind me shakily taking a selfie while eating a naan chip
Wed. Nov 4, oh yeah, All-State
Thurs. Nov 5, it snowed a little before school
Fri. Nov 6, unexpected slow shutter effect
Sat. Nov 7, yep
Sun. Nov 8, Zekrom the guinea pig stole the show at our friend's birthday party

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Pic a Day - 10/26 to 11/1

Mon. Oct 26, listening to a new band called Seafret
Tues. Oct 27, decorating the commons
Wed. Oct 28
Thurs. Oct 29, school pumpkin carving contest

Fri. Oct 30, 15
Sat, Oct 31, accidentally made a frozen blueberry dessert instead of a smoothie
Sun. Nov 1, first day of novel-writing