Sunday, June 25, 2017

Pic a Day - 6/19 to 6/25

Mon. June 19, Monday's many trees
Tues. June 20, the middle Buschman twins
Wed. June 21, random date plates
Thurs. June 22
Fri. June 23, "...even in heaven [you] still believed in me"
Sat. June 24, gathering 'round the camp kettle
Sun. June 25, abandoned trucks just outside the national forest land

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Pic a Day - 6/12 to 6/18

Mon. June 12, Tristam sticker
Tues. June 13
Wed. June 14, bike ride checkpoint #6
Thurs. June 15, at the top of Atalaya Mountain
Fri. June 16, watching April and the Extraordinary World
Sat. June 17, solar-cooking attempt #2 (quinoa)
Sun. June 18, a father's day hike up the Sandia Crest Trail

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Pic a Day - 6/5 to 6/11

Mon. June 5, the arrow points to overpriced groceries that you drove way too far to get
Tues. June 6, sammich for lunch
Wed. June 7, discovered my great-great-grandpa Gerhard (top right) and great-great-great-grandpa Heinrich (bottom left)
Thurs. June 8, yum
Fri. June 9, kitin'
Sat. June 10, late-morning weekend hike with Dad
Sun. June 11, watching a Netflix original anime with Ravi on his day off

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Pic a Day - 5/29 to 6/4

Mon. May 29, renewable energy pt. I (portable solar panels)
Tues. May 30, backwards-hat squad
Wed. May 31, good ol' choco chip
Thurs. June 1
Fri. June 2, renewable energy pt. II (hand-crank generator)
Sat. June 3, sunset over the suburbs
Sun. June 4, little bro chopping onions