Sunday, July 30, 2017

Pic a Day - 7/24 to 7/30

Mon. July 24, artsy CafePress sticker
Tues. July 25, inhaler-parts cleaning day
Wed. July 26, custom-crocheted outfits for the little ones, courtesy of Mom
Thurs. July 27, trying out a weird (but not terrible) new non-dairy beverage
Fri. July 28
Sat. July 29, cliff views along the La Luz trail
Sun. July 30, how could I resist Neanderthal fiction, even in trilogy form?

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Pic a Day - 7/17 to 7/23

Mon. July 17, the little basketeers
Tues. July 18, farmers' market smoothie
Wed. July 19, rocks: nature's chairs
Thurs. July 20, trying to fix some back pain
Fri. July 21, it's the dalmatian in him
Sat. July 22, Rocket League with my bro
Sun. July 23, window views

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Pic a Day - 7/10 to 7/16

Mon. July 10, the first of this week's many cooking fails by yours truly
Tues. July 11, at the farmers' market
Wed. July 12, solo hike through Embudo Canyon
Thurs. July 13, Anker PowerCore battery bank
Fri. July 14, one of the most unique books I've read in probably ever
Sat. July 15, two tea drinkers going out for coffee and vegan pastries
Sun. July 16, picking Dad up from the airport

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Pic a Day - 7/3 to 7/9

Mon. July 3, crater valley of Mount Taylor
Tues. July 4, happy birthday to the littlest twins!
Wed. July 5, here's an old friend I haven't seen in five years
Thurs. July 6, listening to Mcat's newest album on my bike ride
Fri. July 7
Sat. July 8, Curly's coming-out day
Sun. July 9, standing at New Mexico's highest point

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Pic a Day - 6/26 to 7/2

Mon. June 26, burst mode to catch a lightning bolt
Tues. June 27, Jelelah and BoBo out for a drive
Wed. June 28, the Pino trail has probably been my favorite so far
Thurs. June 29, weird bathroom stall convo...
Fri. June 30, cooking a vegan sausage and bean soup
Sat. July 1, walking the Rinconada Canyon trail at Petroglyph Nat'l Monument
Sun. July 2, hammock haven