Sunday, January 28, 2018

Pic a Day - 1/22 to 1/28

Mon. Jan 22, smile: you are here
Tues. Jan 23, frozen bog
Wed. Jan 24
Thurs. Jan 25, this bike feels so charmingly old-fashioned (the rust adds to that, of course)
Fri. Jan 26, (2nd) tiny house model in progress
Sat. Jan 27, best sunrise views from this window
Sun. Jan 28, two floors up on the fire escape

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Pic a Day - 1/15 to 1/21

Mon. Jan 15, chair presentations (and demonstrations)

Tues. Jan 16, I liked the sketch I did of this little throughway better than the picture I took of it
Wed. Jan 17

Thurs. Jan 18, class field trip to tour the sustainable houses on campus
Fri. Jan 19, brownies for my (second) vegan birthday
Sat. Jan 20

Sun. Jan 21, late-morning sky

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Pic a Day - 1/8 to 1/14

Mon. Jan 8, first class in the art building
Tues. Jan 9, interesting bathroom design
Wed. Jan 10, one of the art pieces on display
Thurs. Jan 11, paddle tennis court
Fri. Jan 12, snow in rain
Sat. Jan 13, our multi-function chair and its model, both in the shelving orientation (complete with a book!)
Sun. Jan 14, morning light

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Pic a Day - 1/1 to 1/7

Mon. Jan 1, burning down the candles

Tues. Jan 2, I tried not to rely on the (Spanish-English) dictionary too much

Wed. Jan 3

Thurs. Jan 4, Thai Vegan Thursday bringing back so many memories

Fri. Jan 5, dentist

Sat. Jan 6, commercial jet at sunrise

Sun. Jan 7, too cute to resist in his new jim-jams