Sunday, May 27, 2018

Pic a Day - 5/21 to 5/27

Mon. May 21

Tues. May 22, last day on campus

Wed. May 23, burning skyline

Thurs. May 24, not hockey: tenasketball

Fri. May 25, window shopping for summer work gear

Sat. May 26

Sun. May 27, view from inside my new tent

And here's a bonus birthday selfie: 20/11!

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Pic a Day - 5/14 to 5/20

Mon. May 14

Tues. May 15, (yes, the library café now serves Starbucks)

Wed. May 16, climbed down into the ruins (first seen Feb. 26 2017)

Thurs. May 17, spider feeding

Fri. May 18, down by Marble Works

Sat. May 19, morning study circles

Sun. May 20, Ally (left) and I saying bye to Deanna (right)

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Pic a Day - 5/7 to 5/13

Mon. May 7, meadow

Tues. May 8, just some wrist jottings

Wed. May 9, me and my new tree friend

Thurs. May 10, at trivia night with a friend of mine who's graduating

Fri. May 11, they set up a mini petting zoo

Sat. May 12, tree root cove

Sun. May 13, chilling on the waterfront (after our ASL club trip to the escape room)

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Pic a Day - 4/30 to 5/6

Mon. Apr 30, an unvisited corner of campus

Tues. May 1, launching myself up onto that tree branch

Wed. May 2, emergence

Thurs. May 3

Fri. May 4, visit to the biomass plant

Sat. May 5, stumbled across this gem

Sun. May 6, student band performing this morning