Sunday, December 16, 2018

Farewell, Crescent Moon Bay (+ Portraits of Change)

This is not a forever farewell, because I've actually come to really like this place. As part of a project for one of my classes this semester, I had to visit a nature spot of my choosing for an hour every week and write about it, answering particular prompts given by the professor and responding to that week's assigned readings. Our last week, naturally, the assignment was to say goodbye (or see you later) to our place. My way of doing that was to compile a bunch of video clips in the hopes of making a cinematographic composition (fingers crossed - oh, and if you have no idea what I'm talking about, check out the previous ones I've made, "Heartsong" and "Cloudtree," on my YouTube channel), and I happened to take some photos in between the video clips, so I wanted to share them.

(But first: there were some mini photoshoots in October and November round about the Crescent Moon Bay area/taken during my journeys there that I did not post, but now seems like the perfect time, no? So let's travel back in seasonal time.)

October 14

the corn... is gone
(corn corridor a month earlier: September 16)

bosque bend got flooded out (compare to a month ago - below)

(bosque bend: September 16)

a single stalk stands

trunk shrooms

just a bench in a swamp... big deal

(just don't hunt or anything)

focusing in on plants @ the Bay

pt. II

the upper ring of rocks

more focusing in

weird zoom, but okay

November 11

trees so bare (compare to two months earlier - below)

(walking the fenceline: September 16)

a small lake has formed on the soccer field

this happens because VT is a giant marsh

Crescent Moon Bay

Otter Creek, tree reflections

December 9

more tree shrooms

just kidding, I don't know what kind of fungus this is

ice buffer around the coast

frost blooms

standing on ice

*this absolutely would have been my pic a day...

check out how thick that ice is

this pattern... is just insane

rocks camouflaged by ice / ice camouflaged by rocks

more standing on ice

frozen bubble ring

(this is seriously surreal and I've never done it before)

 I'm heading home tomorrow, so I will catch you next time with some New Mexico winter break pics!