
Sunday, May 29, 2011

When You Find Someone That Understands

Today, I was talking to one of my friends(no, actually, not one I've mentioned; she stays pretty quiet and I never considered her in my previous accusation blogs 'cause she doesn't hang out with me much, you know, she's one of those that everybody knows and talks to), and I found out how like me she is. I thought she was some goody-goody that everybody loved and loved everybody and didn't really care about me, you know, but I found out that she isn't. She completely understands the whole talking to yourself and how "you're your own best friend"(no, seriously, she stole my catch phrase!) and being alone and hating people. How do people even hide these things? Not like I'd know; you know, I keep to myself and prefer to be left to my own devices, that type, the one that doesn't care what the general populous is doing or how they're doing it, just stays away and does their own thing. And she, she's like that, too! My God, I almost cried when I read the part about "and you're your own best friend" 'cause I swear I thought no one understood. But she does. And boy do I love her now...

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