
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Seeking a Friend for the End of the World

Seeking a Friend for the End of the World: Soon after it is announced that an asteroid will hit the Earth in under a month's time, main character(Steve Carell) Dodge's wife leaves him. He doesn't want to die alone, and his wife meant a lot to him, so he turns down his friend's wife's offer for a date. Soon after, upon returning to his apartment, he notices a girl(Penny, Keira Knightley) crying out on the fire escape and lets her bed with him for the night. It is discovered that three years' worth of mail has been turning up in her box rather than his. Going through it, Dodge finds a letter from his highschool sweetheart Olivia. Within two weeks of the asteroid's catastrophic collision with Earth, riots begin to break out, and one outside Dodge's home forces him to flee, but not before he can get up to Penny's apartment to save her. Taking cars and hitching rides, the two set out - Penny to reunite with her family and Dodge to find Olivia. This movie was funny as well as very serious and intense, leading to moments of absolute tears and heartbreak, and connecting with the characters, you rejoice at their unexpected and comfortable love. This is a very moving film, rated R though for some language, but five plus stars nonetheless. You won't regret going to see Seeking a Friend for the End of the World.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Personalized T-Shirt Slogans

get out - get lost - get found
Okay, so I have this Life is Good shirt that says, "Get out - get lost - get found" and then of course "Life is good". I thought, when I got it, what it would look like if it was personalized to me. It would probably say something like, "get out - get lost - stay lost forever; yeah, life sucks sometimes" or "get out - get lost - stay out for a long time and then come back to find that you were stuck in a closet for about five hours high on the peeling plaster from the wall that got stuck up your nose; life's great but you're just an idiot".

On the subject of T-shirt slogans, I also have this shirt with the iron-on message, "not gonna be your circus monkey" that I made. I thought it was too offensive to wear to school, but people who saw it were just like, "oh that's cool" or they just liked the little iron-on baby monkey. Sad, sad life.

not gonna be your circus monkey
There's also this Life is Good shirt that says "glass half-full" or "half full", something like that. Mine would either say "half empty" or "half, 'cause I'm Switzerland". Oh, these things could keep me amused forever.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Jig-Saw Puzzle

Okay, who ever thought that a puzzle would be hard? I don't really mean like difficult hard, more like the kind of "takes you the whole day and you're sitting around starving and needing to pee but bored out of your freaking brains and you're actually watching Star Wars because you feel so brain-dead" hard. Serious. I decided at 11:15 a.m. to start a 500-piece Beatles collage jig-saw puzzle. Boy, was that a bad idea.
after one hour

after two hours

three hours

four hours

five hours


six hours

seven hours

eight hours

nine hours

finish - nine and three-quarters hours
Okay, wow. Ten hours. On a FREAKING PUZZLE! It probably would've taken me longer if ny mom hadn't helped the last two hours. But I mean, seriously, I could have slept off that time. Or read a few books. At least the heel of my right palm wouldn't be sore and my legs wouldn't be stiff and hurt so much. Yeah. So, for the three things I did today, it's gonna say "did a jig-saw puzzle", and the other two bullet points will be left blank. Thank you, puzzle manufacturers. I would like that twenty piece one with the kitten and the puppy in the grass now, please.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sunday Morning in the Hammock

Joe and I spent the morning in the hammock. It was fun, especially since my brother wasn't there. :P

chai for breakfast

me laser-eying Joe; he's totally oblivious

Aren't we just the cutest couple of kids?

Joe says yes. And there's my death glare again.

"Joe's my bro"

rocking out

me, being awesome

Joe, being awesomer

Saturday, June 23, 2012


"Come on: how cute do I look in this bib?" -TiMER

 Yep, my thoughts exactly when I wore this bandana around my neck. But of course I had to put it on Sunny and she won; she looked freaking adorable in this "bib."

Monday, June 18, 2012

Can't Help Myself

Adorableness photos. I've found that, depending on the lighting and where the light hits, my doll Sunny will actually look as if she's expressing a different emotion. Weird, but awesome. Using this to my advantage for sure.
with one of her favorite playmates
Cutest doll in the world. If I still had Virgil(her rival - she despised him) I'd put pictures of him, but he is in my home no more.

(I like to call these my "artsy" shots)

impossibly long-legged, but it's understandable

impossibly big-eyed, too

before a glorious two-hour nap

my little worry-wart child

result of an Otter Pop

Sunday, June 17, 2012


"Sept. 1, 2007
Dear Diary,
I got a new bike! It's a girls' bike for once! It's green and white with a silver water bottle holder. I also have a Novara water bottle! I named my bike Moxie!
=) ''

Saying goodbye to my childhood bike...
Amazing that I've had her for almost five years. More amazing that I wrote in a diary when I was young.
*sigh* Oh, childhood.

in the back of my dad's car
Well, now she's off to my cousins in Arizona. Hope they make good use of her.
Bye, Mox. You were always good to me.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

To George Harrison

My dear, sweet George. Sometimes I wonder about you. How you could have been the person you are: nice to everyone, selfless, giving, kind-hearted. You had the biggest heart of any living mortal, yet you yourself were a kind of god. I don't question this, question who someone is in their heart and soul, and I don't question your being. You were who you were, and I would do nothing to change that.

I love your smile. I try to remember it everyday, and I am unconsciously reminded of it all the time. Many a smile I see bears a striking resemblance to your own luminous, light-hearted grin. I wish I could have seen it for myself, seen it in person.

Concert for Bangladesh - 1971
On seeing you in person, I wonder what it would have been like to see you in concert, or on TV, here, alive. How far away would your music sweep me? How much would my heart race and my face flush even if I only saw you on television? Would I have loved you had our life timelines overlapped more than they had? I often wonder, sometimes knowing how vital the timing was, or else I may not have discovered you, really.

Somewhere in England - back cover
There is no way to describe in words the power your music has. I admit I disagree with the message certain songs project, but if I hear a song of yours blast out of the blue, unexpected in the shuffle, I am covered in all-over warmth, from my head to my toes. The big-band sounds in All Things Must Pass are the most striking, I'd say, the ones that captivate you in their seat, shining with a clear majestic glory. George Harrison is cloaked in an intriguing, jungle-y mystery I cannot solve but am all too capable of exploring. Living in the Material World is gentle and spiritual, and Brainwashed is your bittersweet goodbye to us, the one where we feel your departure in each line, even if the song was not your own.

Sharing how I feel about you with a friend is, I guess, one of my first steps in accepting that you are not solely mine, but the whole world's to cherish and treasure. It doesn't hurt to fantasize your smile and voice, though, and think what it would be like to have truly lost you. I haven't lost you though, and for that I thank you, George. Thank you, for letting me see the world.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Yasmine's Cafe

Awesome Middle Eastern restaurant on the corner of Central and Ash in downtown Albuquerque. Beef Shawarma today- the white cream had this amazing sour tang, and the tomato and onion gave the perfect touch of flavor and texture.