
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Seeking a Friend for the End of the World

Seeking a Friend for the End of the World: Soon after it is announced that an asteroid will hit the Earth in under a month's time, main character(Steve Carell) Dodge's wife leaves him. He doesn't want to die alone, and his wife meant a lot to him, so he turns down his friend's wife's offer for a date. Soon after, upon returning to his apartment, he notices a girl(Penny, Keira Knightley) crying out on the fire escape and lets her bed with him for the night. It is discovered that three years' worth of mail has been turning up in her box rather than his. Going through it, Dodge finds a letter from his highschool sweetheart Olivia. Within two weeks of the asteroid's catastrophic collision with Earth, riots begin to break out, and one outside Dodge's home forces him to flee, but not before he can get up to Penny's apartment to save her. Taking cars and hitching rides, the two set out - Penny to reunite with her family and Dodge to find Olivia. This movie was funny as well as very serious and intense, leading to moments of absolute tears and heartbreak, and connecting with the characters, you rejoice at their unexpected and comfortable love. This is a very moving film, rated R though for some language, but five plus stars nonetheless. You won't regret going to see Seeking a Friend for the End of the World.

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