
Friday, July 6, 2012


What is Zune? Zune is Microsoft's line of mp3 players that are big, bulky, and frankly just unattractive. In books you read, people have iPods. In real life, people have iPods.
I don't. I have a Zune.
Well, the story is we found this mysterious object on the wall in our yard and there was some... suggestible content on it that we quickly erased. My dad had it for a while, and then gave it to me. I had my Zune for a while before I lightly brought up the subject of getting a new one because the battery life was so short (you had to charge it practically three times a day... insane). We looked online but couldn't find anything - as I said, Zunes are not that popular - and then we went to Best Buy to just look at mp3s and stuff. I found this touch-screen one, the Samsung Galaxy Player 4.0, and for some mysterious reason I wanted it and my dad actually obliged without question (though it was pretty pricy).

So, I've been using my Galaxy for a while but today it wouldn't pull up my music, saying "Not enough memory" every time, and I just got pretty frustrated and put it away to charge. At that point I was wondering about my Zune, noting how not having Internet access makes it pretty awesome, and how its sole purposes are music and radio. Exactly what I need. So today I hook it up to my computer and try to sync it, and since the cord gets pretty jacky it only syncs to around 33% before there's that disconnect and reconnect sound and it starts all over again.
Oh, well. It's a start.


And, on a completely off-topic subject on something that just happened while I was composing this post... So, I hear the answering machine, and I'm like, "Oh, there's the phone," so I pick it up and I say, "Hello?" as I always do. I hear this "Hey" in response, and it sounds like my brother. He asks, "How are you doing?" and I just say "Good" in a bored, monotonous deadpan. For some reason he asks "What's wrong?" and I get kind of annoyed at this because my brother doesn't typically care about my welfare, and I say "Nothing," as I would, because nothing notable was off. He asks again and says, "Why do you sound grumpy? Ish?" and I almost get really ticked off but I try to found out why I may sound like so and reply, "Oh, it's just that my devices aren't working." He doesn't ask, which I don't expect. I hear the Windows start up tones in the background, and am confused. My brother went out on a car ride with my mom - where would they find a computer? He says, "Do you want me to call back or something?" and I'm just like, "Why are you even calling anyway?" There's no response for a while, then he randomly says my name, to which I say "yes" in an annoyed fashion, and then he says his own name, and I'm so tempted to say, "Yes, sonnie, that is in fact your name", and I finally ask, "Where are you calling from?", trying to sound even, and finally he says, "It's John." Realization hits, because John is my brother's friend (the one from the pictures posted on the fourth), and I just laugh suddenly, saying, "Oh, oh wow. You sound exactly like my brother on the phone. Uh, Ravi's not here right now," and he just says, "Okay, bye," in a saddened voice. Afterwards I'm laughing at myself like a fool, and I think I finally found either my most embarrassing or funniest moment.

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