
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Word Whiz Wednesday

Well, yeah, okay, I'm not so much of a word whiz. I just figured, hey guys, alliteration, and I don't have to be like "Wordless Wednesday" and then skimp on all the stuff I could be saying on this blog right now.

Whatever. I guess I don't actually have anything relevant to say, except that - if anyone's seen the blog posts from when I first started, back in mid-2011 - I don't dislike people that much anymore. Maybe I don't like how some people always have sneers or always have smiles, or how I can look at someone and feel a deep-down fear that started from nothing but my own biased assumptions. I don't dislike the guy I used to like - you probably wonder why I would even dislike him at all, but it's my way of "letting go" - I walk back down that path, retrace my steps, and go a ways in the opposite direction (hate recovery, if you want to be clearer, but I try not to use that word if I can help it). I don't dislike any of my teachers or any of my classmates.

Random and completely off-topic, but are there any Bob Dylan fans out there reading, and if so, are you all aware of his newest album, Tempest, coming out in September? There is a song off the album on, and it is absolutely great, GREAT, even though when I first heard it, I said to myself two things: "That sounds like jazz - how in the heck does my dad think he can get a hold of the stereo this early in the morning?" and "That cannot be Bob Dylan, I mean, that doesn't even sound like his style of music." But it is Dylan, it is great - it is called "Duquesne Whistle" (pronounced "doo - kayne", to anyone like me who saw that and was like "WHaaaaaa"), first song on his newest album. Kudos to anyone who's gonna go out there and retrieve it in any format when it comes out.

Thanks for reading. I ramble a lot.

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