
Sunday, April 28, 2013

What to Do... Broken Promises (2)

... in those situations where people promise you something, you get your hopes up, and then your hopes are shattered.

Situation 1: If the person legitimately forgot their promise to you and they apologize so profusely you can tell they feel worse about it than you do, forgive them. If it's a single, isolated incident (or incidents), and usually they follow through, then they did not intentionally do it and they do not deserve you holding any sort of petty grudge against them.

Situation 2: If the person promises to do something, but then they completely blow it and the next day say nothing regarding it, no "Sorry," not even some lame and completely unbelievable excuse, confront them about it. You don't have to wait until the next time they try to play you to say something. Ask them, "Why do you always tell me you're going to do something, but then you don't do it?" However, it may be easier for you to wait until they try it again, so you can catch them in the act and they can't avoid or deny it. Right after they say it, tell them to not say it. Ask them how they plan to do it. Say you'll be glad to see their work/receive their call/whatever task they claim they will do. Talking to them about it will get them to (hopefully) stop making these false promises, and it could even finally propel them to do what you've asked for them to do.

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