
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Pic a Day - 9/9 to 9/15

This was our rainy week. From Tuesday mid-morning to just this morning at midnight, we've basically gotten sprinkling and misting and drizzling and hammering, and perpetually wet-dirt backyards and soaked-grass fields and damp shoes and people carrying around umbrellas. After all the heat everyone complains about, we get a week of pure bliss, though some people (the very complainers) continue to duck away from it and keep their hair dry and do everything to defend themselves against it.

I don't see anything wrong with rain. It's wonderful. It's perfect. At night, it's the thing I want to hear. (Unless it starts increasing in intensity, pounding on the window and walls, and it comes with super-loud thunder blasts, and if we didn't live in the desert I'd think we had a hurricane on our hands.)

Mon. Sep 9, our school campus is half forest
OTTILT: intermittent rain sprinkling
Tues. Sep 10, the official rain-week start
OTTILT: origami creations
Wed. Sep 11, our very fuzzy DNA model parts
OTTILT: someone remembering & paying attention to you
Thurs. Sep 12
OTTILT: chilly, drizzly days
Fri. Sep 13, trying to play two instruments at once
OTTILT: friends' accomplishments
Sat. Sep 14, delicious oatmeal cookies and fairy gingerbread
OTTILT: so many Netflix choices!
Sun. Sep 15, next week's challenge

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