
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Mesa Court

  • a friend (or a few)
  • a tennis ball
  • shoes (optional)
  • Go to your local tennis court, or a fenced-in yard of some sort, or the open street (if you're okay with running around and generally making a fool of yourself under the risk that you'll be hit by a car). Be sure to bring a friend, or two, or three. Utilize net or indicate line that separates the sides for the players.
  • Collect a tennis ball, or ball of some sort (NOT a baseball; these might actually hit you/jam your fingers and HURT).
  • Toss ball back and forth, trying to catch the ball as soon as you can after it goes over the net/marked point between player sides.
  • Switch to your non-dominant hand. The game gets more challenging here, and so the catching becomes less important.
  • Return to dominant hand, and throw ball with force, trying to make it go as far as you can throw it based on where you're standing in your court area.
  • Shoes are not required for this game, unless you are running around in an area that poses any sort of threat to your feet (such as a mesa full of goatheads and cacti and such things).
  • Point values and a scoring system may be added. This could coordinate with how many bounces it took for you to catch it, or if it went outside of the green (in an actual tennis court), or any number of things you want to incorporate to individualize your game.
My friend came up with the title for this game, not really seriously, just kind of referring to our activity in passing. We had been referencing our barefootedness during the game (which was quite interesting and pretty fun), and my friend wanted to remain barefoot, but we had to leave the tennis courts and walk through the wild desert land. While walking through aforementioned terrain just outside the tennis courts, I wondered how horrible it would be if you were playing the game or walking around barefoot on that sort of terrain, with weeds and goatheads and cacti and all matter of poky things lying in wait).

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