
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Pic a Day - 11/11 to 11/17

Mon. Nov 11, my homework policy (I'm not even kidding)
OTTILT: getting away with being a (stylish) rebel
Tues. Nov 12, if you can't actually get the problem right, at least be artistic about it
OTTILT: friends interested in your private writing projects
Wed. Nov 13, Jelelah's off to Japan! (Unagi Travel)
OTTILT: being called "sweet" (especially if you're a little demon)
Thurs. Nov 14, probably sleep-deprived
OTTILT: a bat sock-puppet
Fri. Nov 15, and here's photographic proof of the bat sock-puppet!
OTTILT: being able to have both opinions
Sat. Nov 16, my great-grandmother's sewing machine
OTTILT: skills passed down for generations
Sun. Nov 17, a sweet new hoodie
OTTILT: NaNo plot advice

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