
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

La Filosofía Española

Bueno; vamos a tener una introducción antes de empezar.

Just to tell you now, these posts will be in Spanish. And, to be honest, it's not really any sort of "philosophy;" mainly it's just me ranting about something in my life or a certain way of life, which could be construed as philosophy, in a sense.

Half of this is just me ranting, and in another language so it's not as (directly) offensive or controversial. However, it is also an opportunity for me to practice my Spanish in a more direct and personal context.

If you check out this blog in Chrome, it might want to automatically translate these posts for you, and that's cool. If you view the site in other browsers, you can pop the post into Google Translate and see how it comes out. If you don't trust that translation - don't worry; I don't blame you - you can always comment and request for me to give a rough translation.

Gracias, y espero que eso vaya a ser un éxito!

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