
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Pic a Day - 1/20 to 1/26

Mon. Jan 20, just another three-day-weekend Monday...
OTTILT: remembering things in real life in reference to what you were doing/where you were in Minecraft at that moment
Tues. Jan 21, you will probably see a sunset photo every Tuesday and/or Thursday for the next few weeks
OTTILT: successfully getting things done when the computer screen graphics are upside down
Wed. Jan 22, my biggest weakness
OTTILT: not being the only one whose stomach growls incessantly at the worst of times
Thurs. Jan 23, both my friend and I drew this, even though he claimed that Billy la Bufanda was stupid
OTTILT: Billy la Bufanda
Fri. Jan 24, scarf swirl
OTTILT: Hugh Jackman in Oklahoma! (1999) 
Sat. Jan 25, singing songs from Oklahoma! while waiting in the car
OTTILT: bowl after bowl of Corn Pops
Sun. Jan 26, to be honest, this is probably the only time I've learned something interesting from my history reading
OTTILT: "Isn't She Lovely?" by Lauren Layne

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