
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Pic a Day - 5/5 to 5/11

Mon. May 5
OTTILT: poem exposés on PBS
Tues. May 6, Nick & Sonal playing this strange keep-away game/arguing about the nonexistent rules
OTTILT: when friends make up a game but don't even know the rules
Wed. May 7
OTTILT: blowing so hard into a wind instrument that your teeth ache
Thurs. May 8, okay, I spent a lot of time on the northeast end of campus this week
OTTILT: "Traffic Racer"
Fri. May 9, this guy in my class designed tattoos for a bio project
OTTILT: the animations for "Goodbye Blue Sky"
Sat. May 10, Kona is slowly learning to sit on walks
OTTILT: hanging out with and talking to a friendly stranger
Sun. May 11, #ProbablyTheLastTimeIEatAnAvocado
OTTILT: mini timelines

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