
Monday, March 21, 2016


I'm sorry to say that Stanley passed away yesterday afternoon. He'd been in declining health for nearly two weeks, and it's possible that he may have been suffering from some form of cancer.

Here are some of my favorite pictures of him. They may not all be the best quality, but they show his silly and loving personality and mark some of his milestones over our ten months together.

the day I met him, May 21st (you can kind of see him on the wheel)
visiting him again at the rescue
first night home, July 1st
hamster swirl
first ball-run in my room

sassy head tilt

quite the avid climber

fat morning fluffball

first selfie together
first time on a computer

cutest little spiky hair
first time watching TV
"Hey, where are my birthday presents?"

the "climb-up game" was his favorite
telling me what he wants for Christmas
little Grinch
my all-time favorite picture of him
nomming on the camera strap
making goofy faces
Lion King/Simba-style
poor little guy at the vet
covering up his den *the last picture I took of him, March 12th
Rest in peace, little buddy.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry that this happened. I hope he is doing well and completely pain free in hamster heaven.
