
Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Thanksgiving 2018 - A Gentry Family Reunion*

This Thanksgiving, I flew out to my uncle and aunt's house in northeastern Iowa, and my grandmother also joined us for the vacation - so it's kind of a Gentry family reunion? (*Except my mom wasn't there, nor was the rest of my immediate family, so it wasn't a full family reunion. But, you know, I had that other family reunion post, so...)

 Thursday, November 22

cat and dog (Butter and Fuji)
dog and pig (Fuji and Ophelia)
happy Thanksgiving! (LtoR: Aunt Laura, Uncle William, Grandma Verona)
view of the house from the studio


Turkey (with Fuji reflected in the background)


the "twins" (Aeon and Butter)


cuddly Butter

Ophelia comes on a hike with us

indignant pig face (jk, I just caught her in a yawn)

Butter, looking majestic on his rock

pt. II

they have some amazing rocks on their property

house (left) + studio through the trees

more rocks

animals on the sunlit prairie

offering Ophelia a treat

they have a bunch of little setups like this all over the place

taking a break to chill in the hanging chairs

another little nook

cat and pig (Butter and Ophelia)

Aeon saying hello after our hike

it's dinner time at the cathouse (LtoR: Max, Yuki, Cupid, Butter)

here comes Mango

Max, Mango, Cupid, and Butter

fluffy cat butts

Friday, November 23

house through the trees, pt. II

I spy something colorful through the trees...

as the last time I came, we drove to a theater in Lanesboro, MN to see a Christmas show

Lanesboro main street



make-your-own-pizza night

Saturday, November 24

look at that cute face

RAWR, I'm not cute!

I'm a scary dinosaur! Look at my sharp claws!

...and my long neck!

"the basement" (entry/first floor)

open design (third and second floors)

master bedroom

looking down on the kitchen

yet another nook on the other side of the property

here at the Gentry Joint

Fuji posing

pig and dog came with me on a little hike


Fuji's allowed in the studio... if she stays on her bed

mother-son photo

William and Fuji, chillin'


Sunday, November 25

going to Laura's church (she's the minister)

exploring Madison, WI, before my flight out

the state capitol

Monday, November 26

so, I didn't leave on Sunday...

we drove to Lake Mills for a lunch date

Laura and her sister, Kathy
I had a great time with my family and am so thankful that I got to spend time with them and the animals and visit their place again! (It is nice to finally be back, though, after so many cancellations and delays.)

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

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