
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Houston, TX

This is the first time in a long-ass time that I've taken color photos during the month of February. It's strange, but liberating; #blackandwhitefebruary is certainly a cool idea, yet the fact that I took all of February's photos in B&W for the past several years means I'm missing out on color memories. I never really thought about it that way until recently; but, no matter, the past is past and we are here now.

I spent a day in Houston this past Wednesday (the 6th): my main business there was to pick up my visa for study abroad (I am leaving for Chile at the end of the month!), but I wanted to explore and check out the city while I had the chance to be there. **The following is a mix of phone and camera photos.

February 5

headed east over the mountains

palm trees outside the hotel

February 6
waiting for the bus on the side of the freeway

Houston: anywhere in America (?)

Post Oak Blvd.

(lots of bus rides)


colorful remnants of the lunch buffet

headed to the nature center

came for the visa, stayed for the trees

crazy vines

lots of benches scattered around...

~ compare to below ~

~ compare to above ~

lil lizard

year of the (earth) pig

overlooking Buffalo Bayou

pt. II
look at this dude giving me the side-eye

focusing on blue

focusing on red

chilling on the "Love Wins" boardwalk bench

fleeting rays

more lil lizards!
best $3 per 30 min I ever spent
views at Spotts Park

distant skyline

(I couldn't not rent the bike again)

skyline views along the Buffalo Bayou walk

I guess these are ducks...?

If you made it this far... here are some bonus pics!

January 12
the icicles got much fiercer as the term went on

January 30
I felt like going out on a walk in the snow - in the woods, where the still-covered trails were buried in knee-deep snow and I had no proper snow boots or snow pants to speak of.

bark, I

bark, II

bark, III

evergreens, ever green

bark, IV

And here's a cool edit of a phone capture of the above landscape (PicsArt, as always):

February 4
me and Deanna... hoping this isn't the last time we ever see each other

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