
Saturday, April 20, 2019

Excursión al Sur de Chile

¡Hola a todos! This past weekend, half of the group studying abroad in Chile through the Middlebury program went on an excursion to the southern part of the country, well-known and famed for its beauty (and Patagonia).* [*Only half the group went because we're a large group, and the program wasn't just accommodating us, but also our cultural mentors; so the other half of the group is making the trip next weekend.]

jueves, 11 abril (Thursday, April 11)

hostel #1: Keoken

exploring Punta Arenas

wood stoves: a winter staple (in (the south of) Chile)

looking out over El Estrecho de Magallanes / the Magellan Strait

the students and mentors from Valdivia

this cemetery is something of a landmark in the city

el indio desconocido / the unknown Indian

viernes, 12 abril (Friday, April 12)

Magallanes / Magellan (why did they change his name?)

hostel #2: Amerindia

exploring Puerto Natales

looking out over el Golfo (Gulf) de Almirante Montt

(very windy and cold and slightly rainy)

sábado, 13 abril (Saturday, April 13)

from the map, I'm going to guess* that this was Lago Toro (Bull Lake)

Lago (Lake) Grey

(from here on, there are like 100 photos of the glacier, so, be warned)

eating the glacier ice

obligatory cringey selfie with a glacier (now it's in the southern hemisphere!)

marking the total shift in weather

(less cringey)

los Cuernos del Paine - the 2nd most iconic feature in the park, I'd wager

warning: another photo overload incoming


Lago Pehoé

la torre del paine (no, joking - we didn't get to see the Torres b/c of the clouds, though)

Laguna Amarga (bitter b/c we didn't get to see las Torres... nah, it's okay)

(saw a guy snapping a photo here so I decided to copy him)

domingo, 14 abril (Sunday, April 14)

bus terminal in Puerto Montt

Hope you enjoyed these photos of my (our) adventures in Patagonia & el Sur de Chile (when you get very far south, like Punta Arenas, it's also called "el fin del mundo" or "the end of the world")! Stay tuned for some more photos from Concepción and the surrounding areas - coming soon...

P.S. Here's some bonus pics taken of me... "This is the real Patagonia, people." (Just kidding, but I was not super-adequately prepared for the cold, as you can tell...?)

taken by Kevin Hernandez (he's the guy with the camera featured in a few pics)

taken by Lynandrea Mejia

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