
Sunday, June 16, 2019

La desembocadura / Where the river meets the sea

 8 junio

those higher-quality pics of the queltehue I promised

Miguel, one of Elízabeth's friends, was nice enough to drive us here

cochayuyo: apparently an edible alga

I posed it like this for some pics (and took it to throw it away)

as if there weren't enough bird-in-the-sky shots for you...

Thanks Elízabeth for showing me Chile!

look at their weird lil feet

hell yeah, pirate's cave


la desembocadura

sea and river

where the river meets the sea

las tetas del Río Bío Bío (don't act like you can't guess what 'tetas' means)

catching some waves

pulsera de cochayuyo (cochayuyo bracelet)
you can see where I was eating it...

throwing the cochayuyo back into the ocean (it was nice eating you)

If we learned anything from this photoshoot, it's that shots with birds flying through are more interesting than photos without birds. Kidding, but, where duplicates existed, I generally picked the image that had a bird in the sky over one that had nothing.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed! See you soon!

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