
Friday, January 29, 2021

Eastward Journey to Tramway (& Other Updates)

January 11

First day at my new library job

a cute house I saw on my commute

porthole onto the loading dock

the check-in rollers

January 18

biking the Academy perimeter trail

I made Boston cream pie for my 5th vegan birthday (a day early, because I was working on the actual anniversary). 

January 21

January 22

El Oso Grande park

the CNM Montoya campus is to the right

the great Juan Tabo dam

some calligraffiti

Bear Canyon open space

Bear Canyon bears

made it up to Tramway (basically the furthest-east road in the ABQ city grid)

January 29

For all these rides since returning to Albuquerque, I have been borrowing my brother's bike. I did have my own shipped back from Charlotte, but it wasn't in the most rideable condition, so I finally brought it to a shop today to get tuned up. Hopefully it will feature in an upcoming bike ride adventure very soon!

If you made it to the end, here are some edits:

the source image for the two edits above

source image for the three preceding edits

source image for edit above

Hope the new year is off to a good start for everyone! Catch you in the next post!

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