
Friday, March 10, 2023

Rectangle States: Wyoming & Colorado

Hello all! Back again after quite the hiatus with a long-overdue travel post. I did my first solo road trip at the end of September to visit my grandma in Wyoming, stopping to stay with my aunt/uncle/cousins in Denver on the way.

September 21

the NM-CO border

September 22

exploring Denver, day 1

view of my aunt's porch & yard

Denver Botanic Gardens

historic district

cauliflower po'boy

Bluff Lake Nature Center

*cropped & filtered

*cropped & filtered

more shots of my aunt's yard

September 23

arriving at grandma's

September 24

walking around Star Valley Ranch

Green Canyon hike

September 25

deer-watching from the deck

September 26

Grand Teton National Park, day 1

the historic T.A. Moulton barn

my grandma Carolyn

September 27

Grand Teton National Park, day 2

September 28

Wyoming Frontier Prison Museum

I stopped here at the suggestion of a coworker

solitary confinement

gas chamber

art by one of the prisoners

September 29

exploring Denver, day 2

hemp waffle at Weefles

my first time here...

zipping around Denver neighborhoods

Cherry Creek

Hope you enjoyed! Stay tuned for a post on my winter adventures in Iowa and Wisconsin!

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