Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Strange Walmart Experience - No Sunglasses

I know, I know. When I say "strange Walmart experience", you think I mean some person rammed through the wall in their Hummer or a bear was dressing itself in little girls' clothes, but it was semi-normal for those who have seen really weird things in Walmart.
   So I ran into my friend's mom and his little sister in Walmart, and our moms were all talking and his mom said "Oh, he's here a few rows up." About seven minutes later he finds us and throws up his hands, a exasperated look on his face, like "Starting the party without me? Really?" Usually he's wearing sunglasses when I see him(well, the past couple years at least) and he wasn't this time, and he almost looked like he had a completely different face. Like in a dream, how you know who a person is but they look nothing like that in real life. I was studying how his eyebrows were black with silvery edges in contrast to his blonde crew cut, and how I could actually see his blue eyes. He didn't really look at me for a while, probably just because it was awkward, what with being in Walmart and our moms talking about school and whatnot when all of a sudden he's looking right at me. I was looking back for only the first nanosecond before I composed myself and looked down the aisles and everywhere else, though in my peripheral vision I could feel his sky blue eyes searing through my head. It was really weird; my mom usually tells me if someone was "checking me out" and whatever, or I see it and try to avoid their eyes(especially if they're older than me by a lot, like at Whole Foods today), but this was really strange. I mean, I write about that kind of thing all the time, but it was really odd in real life, with someone I'd known for four years who had just been a friend, if even that. I had sort of been convinced that when we had seen each other at our siblings' school a few days prior he had been looking at me, too, but I couldn't be sure when the giant silver sunglasses covered almost his entire face. But today, he couldn't have done it without me noticing. I almost wanted to say "look, haha, I'm wearing my transition glasses and you've got nothin'", but I didn't because we didn't even speak a word to each other, except me chuckling at his already having an essay due a week into school, and his staring. Weirder thing is, it might have been a first time, so it was sort of awkward, but it was almost as if he saw me, and I didn't mind. I wonder now what he would've done had I looked back. I laughed at myself on the way home, reciting a line from Vampires Suck: "You're staring at each other in slow-motion". I didn't want to be a movie, but wow, that was crazy. My mom said he was just wondering at the red bug bite smack in the middle of my forehead, but I knew that if I had looked up, he would have been staring straight into my eyes.

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