Sunday, February 24, 2013

Pic a Day - 2/18 to 2/24

Mon. Feb 18, view from the pit
Tues. Feb 19, my participation in school projects
Wed. Feb 20, dark passageways
Thurs. Feb 21, when we call two-hour delays
Fri. Feb 22, opening night for Oliver!
Sat. Feb 23, assembly line (community service)
Sun. Feb 24, chillin' with Mumford & Sons

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Pic a Day - 2/11 to 2/17

Mon. Feb 11, (it was on Bob the Builder, and I wanted to pose/sit in it)
Tues. Feb 12, my Zune works again!
Wed. Feb 13, whiteboard art banter
Thurs. Feb 14, my Valentine's expectations
Fri. Feb 15, high school dances
Sat. Feb 16, "Whatcha doin' there?"
Sun. Feb 17, Minecraft twins

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Pic a Day - 2/4 to 2/10

Mon. Feb 4, my brother and his friend
Tues. Feb 5, free periods (can get boring)
Wed. Feb 6, sick day
Thurs. Feb 7, dates that have song titles
Fri. Feb 8, we had to go to Barnes & Noble *we were devoted Borders customers a long time ago*
Sat. Feb 9, just fishing with my bro
Sun. Feb 10, handsome little man

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Pic a Day - 1/28 to 2/3

Mon. Jan 28, (they lied when they said "every cloud has silver lining")
Tues. Jan 29, dragon-egg moon
Wed. Jan 30, Canadian nickel (or something)
Thurs. Jan 31, over to my favorite third period class
Fri. Feb 1, yep, I can take artsy self-portrait pictures
Sat. Feb 2, he had to eat a taco for homework (yeah, right)
Sun. Feb 3, ran this morning (totally crazy, right)

Friday, February 1, 2013


I don't believe that this is an already established movement, but for the month of February I decided that it would be a fun and interesting project to take ALL of that month's pictures in black and white. All of them. Not taking it in color and then setting it to "Inkwell" or something on Instagram. Just taking them in straight B&W.

After dealing with the slow frame rate of "Black and White Camera" (these are all Android apps, by the way, but they may be available at the App Store), I found this amazing application called "Retro Camera." It has six different oldie camera types, four of which have a black and white option, and the photos are just so visually delectable(sorry to be weird in my wording here). It's like an instant Instagram photo, without having to upload it to Instagram or edit it or tag it or anything! I was like, "What? Awesome!"

(it's hard to tell, but the one above has a polaroid-style white border around it)

So. For this month, this is my go-to black and white photo camera. My only suggestion would be to date each capture instead of number them things like "shot_1359762627001," so I can know when I took it rather then when I downloaded it. But, other than that it is great.


Bring it on.