Sunday, August 11, 2013

Pic a Day - 8/5 to 8/11

These photos may be subtitled with both my OTTILTs and a description, or just the OTTILT (as per this post on my other blog).

Mon. Aug 5, they let us drive a Mustang
OTTILT: priceless faces
Tues. Aug 6, the house on the hill (to the left)
OTTILT: good tofu dogs
Wed. Aug 7, my imitation of a crane
OTTILT: glimpses of the world
Thurs. Aug 8, I already do enough driving in the slow lane
OTTILT: castle houses
Fri. Aug 9
OTTILT: avocado-spinach paninis
Sat. Aug 10, trying on socks
OTTILT: "The Long and Winding Road"
Sun. Aug 11
OTTILT: traditional church

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