Sunday, October 27, 2013

Pic a Day - 10/21 to 10/27

Mon. Oct 21, just stocking up on school supplies
OTTILT: vegan Pirate Booty
Tues. Oct 22, getting some polka-dot sweater action
OTTILT: finding songs that pique livelihood
Wed. Oct 23, some drawings of what I saw under a microscope
OTTILT: adorable microscopic creatures
Thurs. Oct 24, playing some Mesa Court
OTTILT: homemade Butterfingers (my friend's)
Fri. Oct 25, too beautiful an evening to be cooped up inside with homework
OTTILT: science shows that show crazy stuff happening to/in the body
Sat. Oct 26, a pretty cool new health drink (but way too expensive for my budget)
OTTILT: pulling out pumpkin innards with your hand
Sun. Oct 27, presenting the cake we kept hidden from the birthday girl

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