Sunday, May 25, 2014

Pic a Day - 5/19 to 5/25

Mon. May 19, driving myself to finals (don't worry; I took this picture while I was parked)

Tues. May 20, drawing mountains with a pot o' gold at the end of a rainbow
Wed. May 21, saying goodbye to our friend Tina (center)
Thurs. May 22, more story-writing inspiration
Fri. May 23, 16 and 7

Sat. May 24, hello high school grads

Sun. May 25, Kona selfie!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Pic a Day - 5/12 to 5/18

Mon. May 12, if you can tell that's the moon (yes, my window is dirty and my camera is awful at night shots)
OTTILT: Tori Amos' "Crucify"
Tues. May 13, I tried to take a reflection picture (the white rectangle is my Galaxy, to the left is my face)
OTTILT: coming up with "life is precious" slogans
Wed. May 14, coming up with 4-line "Life is Precious" poems
OTTILT: apathy with friends & true emotion with family
Thurs. May 15, my gang also survived the APWH exam!
OTTILT: how Gordon Ramsay hates everyone
Fri. May 16
OTTILT: avenging your brother in Minecraft Hunger Games
Sat. May 17, sleepy Kona
OTTILT: playing with a balloon
Sun. May 18, I discovered a modern band that I like
OTTILT: alternating between Let's Be Still and Waiting for the Dawn

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Pic a Day - 5/5 to 5/11

Mon. May 5
OTTILT: poem exposés on PBS
Tues. May 6, Nick & Sonal playing this strange keep-away game/arguing about the nonexistent rules
OTTILT: when friends make up a game but don't even know the rules
Wed. May 7
OTTILT: blowing so hard into a wind instrument that your teeth ache
Thurs. May 8, okay, I spent a lot of time on the northeast end of campus this week
OTTILT: "Traffic Racer"
Fri. May 9, this guy in my class designed tattoos for a bio project
OTTILT: the animations for "Goodbye Blue Sky"
Sat. May 10, Kona is slowly learning to sit on walks
OTTILT: hanging out with and talking to a friendly stranger
Sun. May 11, #ProbablyTheLastTimeIEatAnAvocado
OTTILT: mini timelines

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Pic a Day - 4/28 to 5/4

Mon. Apr 28, haze
OTTILT: giving yourself pep talks
Tues. Apr 29, Ravi's guitar concert
OTTILT: cheering for your friends when they appear in the school slideshow
Wed. Apr 30, math-homework face
OTTILT: "City of Delusion"
Thurs. May 1, rain looks weird from a distance
OTTILT: a friendly acquaintance sitting by you and making friendly jokes
Fri. May 2, SELFIE
OTTILT: turtles smiling at you
Sat. May 3, to show how loose the leash can be on walks
OTTILT: having conversations & pretending to be valley girls
Sun. May 4, a stopping point on my bike rides
OTTILT: regressing to a past life