Monday, June 30, 2014


Pic a Day - 6/23 to 6/29

Mon. June 23, the line of cars behind us
Tues. June 24, "working out" (but taking pictures instead)
Wed. June 25, my new Parkour shoes
Thurs. June 26, watching Jon Stewart
Fri. June 27
Sat. June 28, watching-a-movie selfie
Sun. June 29, a reporter snapped a picture of me volunteering at the adopt-a-thon (the photo in the paper was taken on Friday, but the pic of a pic was taken on Sunday)

Friday, June 27, 2014

Just Your Average Pet-Adoption Event...

This story has to start a few weeks before the event today. So, for about a month or so, I've been browsing through shows that might be of interest to me on Netflix Instant Watch (as I now have a Windows 8 computer, and therefore a Netflix Instant Watch app). I added a couple of Animal Planet series involving pit bulls to my list, because I had watched a documentary on pit bulls before and wanted to check out what similar things Netflix had to offer.

One of the shows that I added was Pitbulls & Parolees. I was hesitant to start a new show, and I didn't know what to expect. The show very quickly caught my interest, though, and I really enjoyed the ranch happenings plus the rescue missions plus the interpersonal drama. Pitbulls & Parolees follows Tia Torres and her rescue for pit bulls, Villalobos, and also the parolees she hires and reforms, missions to save endangered dogs, and conflicts among employees and her family.

As I was getting ready to go volunteer at the adopt-a-thon's first day today, I let my leash hang around my neck, and joked that I was like Tia Torres, because she is always seen in the show with a pink leash hung around her neck - you know, just in case.

The semi-irony of me saying that was that, when we pulled up a quarter after nine in the morning, I saw somebody that I recognized. Weirdly, it was as if I knew them just from the back. When they turned so I could see them, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was Mando from Pitbulls & Parolees, walking around in a "Staff WMR" shirt and helping to set up for the adoption event. Mando - Armando - was the first parolee (or rather, ex-parolee) that was introduced in Season 3 of the show (the only season on Netflix), and one of Tia's closest friends and one of the most featured employees on the show. I kept staring from the car, watching as he went from the big tent to the mobile home to the little tent and back. When I eventually went out to sign in as a volunteer, I was close enough to see his nametag, and my eyes hadn't lied - Armando Galindo, and up close it was undoubtedly the same guy from the show.

I had told my dad that I was going to talk to him, because it's on my bucket list to "meet a famous person." However, it is generally not my strong suit to initiate conversation with people, especially not total strangers, and especially not total strangers who also happen to be on my favorite TV show. Well, just going around walking little dogs, sitting at the main table, and perusing the tent for the big dogs, he would help me get a squirmy hyper dog into their kennel, or tell me how I could help volunteers give water, or smile walking past me. Somehow that felt better and more real than if I had stopped to shake his hand (like one girl did, with her family) and compliment his show, or ask for his autograph, or ask questions about Villalobos and what brought him to New Mexico. (Honestly, though, I was kind of "stalking him" in the main tent to get his autograph. If he's there tomorrow or Sunday, I will work up the courage to ask him. And compliment his show, too. It's my favorite show.)

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Pic a Day - 6/16 to 6/22

Mon. June 16, that's right, folks! I am now learning русский!
Tues. June 17, even in the summer, we drink hot tea
Wed. June 18, timeline selfie
Thurs. June 19, looking out my window at night (the pink is from lights in my room)
Fri. June 20, this is sweetie-pie Betty; I can't get over how perfect she is on a leash!
 Just a note to viewers: if you are thinking that I haven't posted pictures of Kona the past two weeks because she's been adopted, you are, sadly, incorrect. I have been hanging out with and taking pictures of Kona along with Dolly and Betty, and other dogs, too. I have been posting pictures of the other dogs I'm hanging out with to mix it up a little, and because the other dogs are also really, really cute. If Kona does get adopted soon, I will tell you all about it. There is an adopt-a-thon event next weekend, and I am volunteering all three days, so I will keep you posted.

Sat. June 21, my cast-'n'-crew
Sun. June 22, fairy-tale rewrites have actually been pretty good so far

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Pic a Day - 6/9 to 6/15

Mon. June 9, arranging artists by decade
Tues. June 10, bean-'n'-cheese nachos
Wed. June 11
Thurs. June 12, full moon rising
Fri. June 13, Parkour = scaling walls (the kid's wearing a red shirt)
Sat. June 14, poor Dolly's been abandoned twice
Sun. June 15, I give unconventional holiday cards...

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Pic a Day - 6/2 to 6/8

Mon. June 2, reading in bed

Tues. June 3, Patch sometimes has to watch the Tamagotchis
Wed. June 4, forgot to take a picture until before midnight...
Thurs. June 5, I arranged my college letters based on where they are in the US (kind of looks like the US, but I'm missing a few states)

Fri. June 6, finally read the book, because I've seen the movie how many times
Sat. June 7, it's summer, so we're lazy
Sun. June 8, our kitchen and part of the living room flooded, but my brother kept his socks on

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Pic a Day - 5/26 to 6/1

Mon. May 26, this is what my room looks like during "cleaning"
Tues. May 27, I guess I play another instrument! Would you look at that?
Wed. May 28, listening to vinyl
Thurs. May 29, my Tamagotchis had babies! (if anybody remembers Tamagotchis)
Fri. May 30, a really strange and random note I found
Sat. May 31, her pleading face
Sun. June 1, caught the moon


Sorry for it being a few hours late. (Ha, I just happened to be up at 1:30 in the morning. NBD.)