Sunday, October 12, 2014

Ashland, OR

arriving at the Portland airport (supposedly the best in the nation)
our rental car (I dubbed "the beast" toward the end of the trip)

our hotel room
Patch showcasing the bed

the view from the hotel window (looking across the street)

we adventured as a group or in pairs

yep, this town loves their Shakespeare
in Lithia Park
inside of the Allen Elizabethan Theatre

the first play we saw (definitely not Shakespeare)
we had a "prologue" for The Tempest, and this guy explained the historical background and the play's characters
Patch drinking the rest of my coffee
walking to The Two Gentlemen of Verona
my chai latte from Café 116
this weird shop had a bunch of those motivational slogans

the guy who pumped our gas
leaving Ashland

we got a kind of mist-fog, but not much rain
the group wanted to walk around the Reed campus
Reed, part II
Reed, part III
the view from the hotel in Portland
the suite, part I
the suite, part II

we stopped by the food trucks for lunch

we sat in a park to eat our fare

book-lovers' heaven
Patch had a whole seat to himself on the flight back!

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