Sunday, April 16, 2017

Pic a Day - 4/10 to 4/16

The few people here who have learned about my photo-a-day project wondered, as their first question, whether I had themes for my pictures. While normally I would say no, this week my photos definitely have something in common: namely, winter is finally over and spring has arrived. I didn't intend for it to happen, but every snapshot from this week was taken outside. Enjoy having a look at the arrival of spring in Middlebury!

Mon. Apr 10, heading back from the student center
Tues. Apr 11, lots of outside eating
Wed. Apr 12, in town
Thurs. Apr 13
Fri. Apr 14, another lab field trip to the creek
Sat. Apr 15, squirrel posing on a tree branch
Sun. Apr 16, chilling at the overlook for a change of scenery

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