Sunday, December 24, 2017

Pic a Day - 12/18 to 12/24

Sorry to everyone for the tardiness in posting and potential formatting issues: I'm having some technical difficulties this week. Hopefully it all turns out okay once I hit publish! Enjoy, and happy holidays!

Mon. Dec 18, in the children's section of my local library
Tues. Dec 19, family game night of Cards Against Humanity
Wed. Dec 20, roadrunner that jumped on top of the garage door
Thurs. Dec 21, learning to crochet... again
Fri. Dec 22, lunch at the Acre with Nick and Mica
Sat. Dec 23
Sun. Dec 24, new little Christmas plants

1 comment:

  1. wow.. it seems the sun begins to shine already..

    you may enjoy reading a collection of some wonderful stories
