Sunday, March 17, 2019

Primeras Semanas en Chile

As I mentioned, I am studying abroad in Chile this semester. Here's what I've been up to and where I've been since getting here ~2.5 weeks ago.

February 27

The entire group of students studying with the Middlebury program went to a retreat in the Andes, Termas El Corazón, for a few days of orientation.

February 28
lil bubs
decided to make use of a snatch of free time and wander around

March 3

Skipped a couple days, but after a six-hour bus ride from Santiago to Concepción, I finally arrived at my host family's house, and the weekend was pretty chill.

this cutie's named Odie (after the dog from Garfield)
March 4

Monday (the 4th) I met my cultural coordinator and took a tour of the university campus for the first time.

el campanil

Laguna Los Patos (Duck Lake)

looking towards the library

"el plato" (because it's round like a plate)

the department where I'll be studying... mostly (forestry science)

"don't eat animals. they're friends, not food" (I didn't write this, it was already there)

statue in la Plaza de la Independencia

el barrio Torreones (the neighborhood where I'm living)

my host family's house

 March 5
el arco (the arch - pretty iconic)

in the International Relations office to register with the school
March 6

el Registro Civil... yay, boring legal and logistical stuff

(I'm sure I don't need to translate this one)

March 8

Friday, my cultural coordinator, Elízabeth, took me to a beach called Lenga. (Woo, beach day!)

March 9

the symphonic orchestra's first concert of the season

March 10

Then my family took me out on Sunday for another beach day, this time to Dichato. (So many beaches!)

LtoR: host sis, host grandma, host mom, host dad
I also have a host brother, who did not accompany us to the beach. Additionally, I should mention that the grandmother does not live with us, but she lives close by in the city and spends the day with us on the weekends (Saturday and/or Sunday).

last remnant of a house lost in the earthquake/tsunami of 2010 (look at my host dad's smirk)

madre e hija (mother and daughter)

hija y madre

yeah... didn't go into the water here

(they're to the far left)

"greetings from Dichato"

hija y padre

dined at a beachside restaurant

March 11

the start of a week of orientation stuff

street dogs - I guess they're campus dogs, more accurately

tour with the international students group

terrible quality, but you can kinda tell those are cliffs...?

one of the OG dogs that started following our group

stairs to the env. science dept... yep, it's up a frickin' steep hill

wandering to prove I can navigate around the city

March 14

construction at the house (installing central heating)

heck yeah, found myself a bookstore

concert for an anti-cyberbullying event in the Plaza

March 15

up on that env. sciences hill (also the only place I can currently get WiFi)

Another Friday, another beach visit with Elízabeth. (Got to make the most of summer, am I right?) This time, we visited la Playa Bellavista, which is in Tomé on the way to Dichato.

caught this little cangrejo before it was swept back out to sea


the [purple] Milano cookies of the sea! (I mean, look at them...)

little dog observing the waves from afar

pitched a parasol and played card games on the beach

March 16

visited the feria medieval

tiny tiny houses

museum dioramas of important events in Chilean history

look at these detailed figurines

Apologies for the quality on the phone pictures, but I hope you enjoyed! Catch you next time!

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